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Innovative Digital Solutions that Accelerate Growth

LHH is enhanced by a range of market leading digital solutions from General Assembly, EZRA and Hired that can help to find the right talent, build in-demand skills, and coach teams in a measurable, scalable way to drive impact.

Digital solutions built for the evolving
world of work

Our tailored digital experiences take the guesswork out of recruitment, coaching and workforce management. Learn more about these solutions below.
Build in-demand skills
Build stronger and more diverse tech talent through our Recruit-Train-Deploy solution, helping organizations fill today’s tech roles with tomorrow’s talent.
Digital coaching at scale
Innovative and fully integrated technology that can change people’s lives, make teams happier, and turn entire companies into more inclusive, more productive places to be.
Source the best tech talent
The go-to platform for sourcing the best tech talent out there, Hired is the most efficient way to fill tech and sales roles today and works with companies around the world.

Your partner in talent and workforce transformation

With a personalized, empathetic approach and proven track record, we are here for you to achieve your career and business goals.
Recruitment Solutions
Finding the right talent with the right skills is critical. With specialized consultants across the globe covering every professional industry, we can help you deliver the talent your organization needs.
When layoffs are unavoidable, offering comprehensive outplacement support to affected employees can go a long way in protecting your organization from the negative impacts of change.
Career Mobility & Development
Employees are looking for career growth now more than ever - don’t let them look elsewhere to find it. Our Career Mobility Solutions help you to increase retention while unlocking the critical skills your organization needs to succeed.
Leadership Development
Today, the success of leadership hinges on their ability to adapt. Effective leadership development is achieved by providing leaders with the skills they need to embrace new competencies and behaviors like greater empathy and EQ, resilience, agility, and virtual leadership.

Tailored Executive solutions with a global reach

Recognizing each leader's journey is unique, we provide a personalized service backed by deep industry knowledge across the globe. Experience a personalized service for your executive search, development, coaching, mentoring, and career advisory needs.
Executive Recruitment
Executive placement decisions are critical for both the organization and the individual. Our strategic recruitment solutions empower executives to find the right role to achieve their career goals and drive success.
Executive Career Advisory Services
The International Center for Executive Options (ICEO) is a strategic partner to organizations and leaders offering executive career advisory services within a global boutique.
Executive Coaching
We believe that executive coaching can be a truly transformative experience developed through a deeply human connection that propels executives and businesses to success.
Leadership Development
We understand that effective leadership development is achieved by providing leaders with the skills they need to succeed in a modern workplace

Nuestros datos nos avalan

Somos un partner que genera impacto a través de nuestras soluciones personalizadas para las empresas. Los resultados hablan por sí solos:
ayudamos a las personas a alcanzar sus objetivos profesionales
con acceso a una red global para encontrar el mejor talento
con amplia experiencia en diferentes industrias
apoyamos a las personas en su transición profesional
contamos con alcance global y local
haciendo que LHH sea tu partner estratégico para alcanzar tus objetivos